Cat Supplements for Skin

Unhealthy skin can be uncomfortable for cats and owners alike. Fortunately, supplements can help. Shop our selection of skin and coat supplements for cats.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best skin and coat supplement for cats?

Are your cat’s skin and coat looking less-than-healthy? There are many different treatments for unhealthy coat and skin, one of which is the addition of a cat skin and coat supplement. Skin and coat supplements for cats provide essential vitamins and nutrients to support overall skin health

If you’ve noticed a recent change in your cat’s skin, it’s important to speak with your vet. They will be able to diagnose the cause and prescribe a treatment plan, which may include cat skin and coat supplements, itching medicine, and more. 

Get all your skin and coat needs from Dutch. Shop our selection of cat coat supplements and cat skin supplements, and fill your prescription in our online pet pharmacy. What’s more, Dutch members get free shipping on pharmacy orders.

Is there a supplement for cats with dry skin?

If your cat’s skin is dry and uncomfy, a cat skin supplement may be able to help. A supplement like VetriScience Derma 3.6.9.™ Pro Advanced Skin Supplement helps support skin health with nutrients like omega fatty acids, zinc, vitamins A and E, biotin, and more.

How can I make my cat's skin and coat healthy?

Skin and coat supplements for cats are just one part of a routine for healthy skin and coat. Proper grooming plays a huge factor. Brush your cat regularly to release dead skin, debris, matting, and more. 

Switching to a higher quality food that provides necessary nutrients can also improve your cat’s skin and coat health. Regular vet visits to monitor your cat’s general health are essential, too.

What causes cats to have a dull or unhealthy coat?

Your cat’s overall health is often reflected in the appearance of its coat. Therefore, dull or unhealthy coats can be a telltale sign of health issues. 

One cause of dull or unhealthy coats is poor quality food. Low quality food lacks the proper nutrients to support your cat’s overall health. This can cause their coat to have a dull appearance. 

Allergies are also a major cause of an unhealthy coat. When cats come into contact with an allergen, small, fluid-filled bumps can appear on their skin and lead to itching, bald spots, and more. Take your cat to the vet to determine whether the allergen is related to food or the environment, and to come up with a treatment plan. 

Common parasites like fleas, ticks, and mites can cause itching and bald spots, as well. 

If you’ve ruled out all of the above, your cat’s dull or unhealthy coat may be a sign of a chronic health condition, like diabetes or thyroid issues.

How often should I give my cat skin supplements?

You should only give your cat skin and coat supplements according to your vet’s direction.