Husky next to pile of fur sitting next to slicker brush

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A slicker brush is a grooming tool designed for pets to maintain their fur’s health and appearance. This brush features fine wire pins or bristles that effectively remove tangles, mats, loose hair, and debris from your pet’s coat. [1] Slicker brushes are a staple in the grooming routine of pet owners and professional groomers due to their versatility and ability to keep your pet’s fur in top condition. 

These brushes are available in various shapes, sizes, and designs, making them suitable for pets of all breeds and coat types. The fine pins or bristles are typically placed on a cushioned base, which allows for a gentle yet thorough grooming experience for your pet. So, what is a slicker brush for dogs used for? Keep reading to learn more about slicker brushes. 

List of what a slicker brush is good for

What is a Dog Slicker Brush Good For?

A slicker brush is most commonly used on medium to long and curly-coated dogs. So, what is a slicker brush used for? Here are a few uses of slicker brushes for dogs: 

  • Removing mats and tangles: Slicker brushes are excellent for gently but effectively detangling and removing mats in shaggy dog breeds . Whether you have a long-haired or double-coated dog, these brushes can help prevent painful and uncomfortable matting. [1] 
  • Loose hair removal: Slicker brushes are ideal for collecting and removing loose hair from your pet’s coat. Seasonal grooming can help reduce shedding and minimize the amount of pet hair around your home. [1] 
  • Stimulating blood flow: The fine bristles of a slicker brush can help stimulate blood flow to your pet’s skin, promoting a healthier coat and skin. This improved circulation encourages natural oil production for a shinier, healthier coat. 
  • Distributing natural oils: Slicker brushes help evenly distribute the natural oils produced by your pet’s skin, which can help maintain coat luster and softness. 
  • Regular maintenance: Slicker brushes are perfect for daily or routine grooming, keeping your pet’s coat in top condition between more extensive grooming sessions. 

While slicker brushes are commonly used for curly-haired and thick and long-coated dogs, they’re available in various sizes and shapes to accommodate different coat lengths and textures, making them suitable for a wide range of dog and cat breeds. 

How Do You Use a Slicker Brush?

To use a slicker brush properly, start with a calm and relaxed pet. Choose the right slicker brush for your pet’s coat type, considering the size and bristle length. 

You can begin brushing at the ends of the fur, focusing on any tangles or mats to avoid discomfort. Use gentle strokes in the direction of hair growth , applying the appropriate pressure for your pet’s comfort. 

While brushing, monitor your pet’s skin for any signs of redness or irritation. Finish the grooming session by removing loose hair, either with your free hand or a comb. 

Positive reinforcement, like praise and treats, can make the experience more enjoyable for your pet. 

You should also regularly clean the brush to ensure its effectiveness and cleanliness for future grooming sessions. 

Types of dog brushes

Dog Brush Types 

There are various types of dog brushes available, each designed for specific grooming tasks and coat types. Selecting the right brush depends on your dog’s coat type, so it’s essential to choose the appropriate option that meets your dog’s grooming needs. 

Your options for dog brushes include the following: 

  • Bristle brush: Bristle brushes have soft, natural bristles and are suitable for dogs with short, smooth coats. They help distribute the natural oils in your pet’s coat, adding shine while removing loose hair. [1] 
  • Pin brush: Pin brushes have long, flexible wire pins that work well for dogs with long, silky coats. They’re gentle on the fur and help to remove tangles while preventing matting. [1] 
  • Undercoat rake: Undercoat rakes have rotating pins or blades and are designed for dogs with thick double coats. They’re especially beneficial for Husky or Golden Retriever grooming and are excellent at removing the dense undercoat to reduce shedding. [1]
  • Deshedding tool: Deshedding tools have a special blade that removes loose undercoat fur and reduces shedding. Breeds like Labrador Retrievers and German Shepherds may benefit from these tools. 
  • Rubber brush: Rubber brushes have soft rubber bristles and are excellent for short-coated breeds. They massage the skin, remove loose hair, and can be used during baths to distribute shampoo. [1] 
  • Grooming glove: Grooming gloves have rubber or silicone nodules on one side and are worn like a glove. They’re great for removing loose hair, especially in sensitive areas, and provide a gentle massage for your pet. 
  • Flea comb: Flea combs have fine teeth that are close together, making it easy to detect and remove fleas, flea dirt, and debris from your pet’s coat. 


What is the difference between a slicker and a pin brush?

The main differences between a slicker brush and a pin brush are their design and primary functions. Slicker brushes have fine wire bristles that are close together and slightly angled, making them excellent for removing tangles, mats, and loose fur from your pet’s coat. They’re particularly useful for breeds with long or curly hair and work well for most coat types. Slicker brushes are designed to penetrate the topcoat and reach the undercoat, helping to keep the coat smooth and free from knots. 

In contrast, pin brushes have long, flexible wire pins with rounded ends, which are designed to be gentle on your pet’s coat and skin. Pin brushes are often used on dogs with longer, silky, or fine coats. They’re suitable for daily brushing to keep the coat tangle-free and maintain its overall appearance. 

While pin brushes can help remove loose fur and detangle minor knots, they’re not as effective as slicker brushes for addressing more challenging matting or dense undercoats. 

How often should you use a slicker brush?

The frequency of using a slicker brush on your dog depends on their specific coat type and grooming needs. For dogs with longer or curly hair that’s prone to matting and tangling, using a slicker brush every few days or even daily can be beneficial in preventing knots from forming. Regular brushing helps distribute natural oils, removes loose fur, and maintains the overall health and appearance of the coat. 

For dogs with shorter, low-maintenance coats, less frequent use of a slicker brush may suffice. Brushing them once a week or every couple of weeks can help keep their coat clean and free from debris. It’s essential to adapt the frequency to your dog’s individual needs, which may vary based on factors like their activity level, lifestyle, and time of year.

Additionally, you should be attentive to any changes in your dog’s coat condition, which can influence how often you should use a slicker brush. 

What are the disadvantages of using a slicker brush on my dog?

While slicker brushes are valuable tools for many dog grooming tasks, they have some potential disadvantages. One primary drawback is the risk of over-brushing, especially for dogs with sensitive skin or fine, thin coats. Excessive or aggressive brushing can lead to skin irritation , redness, or discomfort. 

Another concern is the potential for the brush bristles to break or bend, which can create sharp edges that might scratch or irritate your dog’s skin. It’s essential to regularly inspect the brush and replace it if you notice any damaged bristles to prevent harm to your pet. 

Slicker brushes may also not be the best choice for dogs with very long or curly coats, as they may not effectively penetrate the thick fur, leaving mats or tangles unaddressed. 

What kind of dog do you use a slicker brush on?

Slicker brushes are commonly used on dogs with a variety of coat types, especially those with medium to long hair that’s prone to matting or tangling. Breeds that may benefit from slicker brushes include: 

  • Yorkshire terrier
  • Poodle
  • Shih Tzu
  • Maltese
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Golden Retriever

Can slicker brushes be used on cats?

Yes, slicker brushes can be used on cats, particularly on long-haired breeds like Persians , Maine Coons , Ragdolls, and others with thick or dense coats. Cats with such fur are prone to matting and tangling, and slicker brushes can help prevent these issues by gently removing loose hair and detangling knots. 

When using a slicker brush on a cat, it’s important to be gentle and cautious, as cats can be more sensitive than dogs when it comes to grooming.

Goldendoodle being groomed by groomer using a slicker brush

Final Notes

A slicker brush is a versatile grooming tool most suitable for dogs with medium to long coats. It serves multiple purposes, from detangling and mat removal to stimulating blood flow and distributing natural oils, contributing to the overall health and appearance of your pet’s fur. 

However, it’s essential to choose the right brush for your dog’s specific coat type, use it with care to avoid over-brushing, and be mindful of any potential drawbacks like bristle damage. Slicker brushes can also be used for cats. 

For personalized advice on grooming or any pet-related concerns, try Dutch . Our vets are standing by to discuss your dog’s coat and skin health. Sign up today. 



  1. “Dog Brushes: How to Choose the Right Dog Brush for Your Pet.” American Kennel Club, 18 Sept. 2023, 

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Who is Dutch?

Dutch is an online veterinary pet telehealth service, created by pet parents and board-certified veterinary specialists. We use a science-backed approach to provide pets relief for their everyday physical and behavioral health issues. Dutch connects you with licensed veterinarians over video chat and messaging to help you get care for your dog or cat quickly wherever you are — without the stress or expense of a vet visit. We also partner with pharmacies who can deliver prescription medication (in applicable states only) and over-the-counter treatments directly to your door. Dutch isn’t a veterinary practice or pharmacy, but a company that helps facilitate these services for pet parents to make veterinary care more accessible to all.

What is a visit with Dutch like?

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During your video call, one of our licensed veterinarians will talk to you about the symptoms your pet is experiencing, ask you questions, review your pet’s medical history if you’ve provided it, and answer any questions you have. The vet will ask to see your pet and their environment. And they may ask you to perform some simple checks on them if needed.

After your video call, the vet will send you a message with a custom treatment plan to help your pet feel better, including a link to buy any recommended prescription or over-the-counter medications. Place your order and we’ll ship it free.

How much will it cost for Dutch to treat my pet?

The Dutch membership starts at $11/mo for unlimited access to the vet. No more long waits for appointments or surprise bills.

In addition to the base membership plan, our veterinarians may also recommend additional medication (Rx and/or OTC) that you will have the option of adding to your plan at an additional cost.